
I just love Jon Ronson. His documentaries The Secret Rulers of the World and Crazy Rulers of the World are one of the best works you could probably find about how to humorous deal with conspiracy theories, the dark sides of our rulers, extremists and paranoia and still be extremely fair and balanced (and no, his works don’t run on Fox News).

Jon Ronson is always interested in question ourselves. Question our believes and our social values and definitions. He is by far the most scientific and constructivist documentary movie maker I know that never takes anything for granted and -by this- ultimately always runs into paradoxes, paranoia and fallacies of our daily life and social rules. I think, this makes Jon Ronson a very valuable person, encouraging us all day long to question how we live and, at the end, probably make us a better society.

Here is not one of his documentaries but just a speech he gave recently about psychopaths. Just click and listen. I like it:

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